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Centers and Institutes


Students protesting holding Democracia signs

Center on Global Democracy 

The Center on Global Democracy tackles the fundamental questions facing democracies, serving as a hub for research and learning to strengthen democratic institutions. Through targeted research and public engagement, the center aims to reverse democratic declines and bolster democracy worldwide.

Sarah Kreps presenting in class

Cornell Brooks School Tech Policy Institute

The Cornell Brooks School Tech Policy Institute provides new opportunities for students and researchers while building the Brooks School’s reputation as a national leader in the field. The Institute guides policy makers and policy students as they seek to understand the many ways technology touches our lives. It is developing a robust, interdisciplinary tech policy research agenda while fostering deeper collaborations with units across Cornell.

Jamila Michener presenting to congress

Cornell Center for Health Equity

The Cornell Center for Health Equity is a cross-campus initiative leveraging the insights, research, and leadership of Cornell University’s Weill Cornell Medicine and Ithaca campuses. We are focused on addressing the root causes of health inequities that are embedded in systems of health care, housing, transportation, employment, education, neighborhoods, law, and policy. Our strength is our focus on community engagement and advocacy, research, and education. Our network includes over 200 collaborators dedicated to advancing health equity.

Group of NextGenPop students walking on Cornell campus

Cornell Population Center

The Cornell Population Center is Cornell’s intellectual hub for demographic research and training. Faculty and students focus on families and children, poverty and inequality, health behaviors and disparities, and immigration and diversity. Their work is founded on an understanding of family processes, policy analysis, and translational research.

Rick presenting in front of digital screen background

Cornell Program in Infrastructure Policy

Educating the next generation of infrastructure leaders. The Cornell Program in Infrastructure Policy (CPIP) in the Cornell Jeb E. Brooks School of Public Policy is focused on improving the delivery, maintenance, and operation of physical infrastructure. This is accomplished through dedicated teaching, research, and outreach efforts in infrastructure policy.

Kathy Hochul holds an in-person and virtual conversation Thursday, Feb. 10 with the Institute of Politics and Global Affairs at the Jeb E. Brooks School of Public Policy. Moderators include: IOPGA director Steve Israel, a former member of Congress; Howard Milstein '73, member of the Board of Trustees (virtual), Cornell University; and Janette Sadik-Khan, a member of the Board of Directors for the Regional Plan Association. The ILR School is a co-sponsor of the event at its New York City offices.

Institute of Politics and Global Affairs

The Institute of Politics and Global Affairs facilitates conversations and deepens understanding of important political and global events. The institute’s programs engage partners and the public and build connections among Cornell faculty, students, alumni and policymakers.