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Why Brooks?

Group of students outside in Puerto Rico
Executive MPA and Residential MPA students taking part in a field trek to Puerto Rico
  • Benefit from an Ivy League education while continuing to work and fulfilling your responsibilities at home.
  • The Brooks School is home to world-class scholars, research that changes lives, and a community of caring.
  • You’ll be at home here, wherever your home may be.


This program is everything I had hoped for and more. It has given me the tools to be a better board member and a better global citizen. I have been challenged and my brain has been stretched. I like school so much more now than when I was an undergrad. I’ve made friends that I hope will last a lifetime.

– Mary Papamarkou, EMPA ’22

Mary Papamarkou EMPA ’22 has held leadership positions in financial services for 25 years and serves on the Rutgers University Board of Trustees.