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Politics and Economics of Development

Politics, economics, and the interaction between the two are key to understanding development prospects around the world, including resource allocation, economic wellbeing, equitable infrastructure, food and nutritional security, and environmental sustainability.

We guide policymakers and educate students as they develop data-driven solutions to direct resource allocation and improve people’s lives around the globe.

Faculty Spotlight

Man wearing a navy suit in front of a dark gray background

Chris Barrett

Stephen B. and Janice G. Ashley Professor

Chris Barrett’s fundamental research objective is to help reduce unnecessary human suffering manifest in ill health, malnutrition, poverty, vulnerability to manmade and natural disasters, and the degradation of the natural resources that support many poor people’s future well-being.

Course Spotlight

Comparative Perspectives on Gender, Work, Family and Public Policy

Course details: This course gives a broad overview of the major issues that women face in the workplace and in family around the world. This semester, we will examine the potential and constraints that the social construction of gender norms presents for the idea of work-family conflict in many nations. Additionally, public policy has a significant role in shaping these interconnected institutions. We will examine the nexus of gender, work, family, and public policy from a variety of multifaceted and comparative perspectives. We will begin with an overview of basic concepts and definitions related to gender inequality in workplace, work-family conflict, and the public policy shaping these phenomena. We will then turn to a series of studies of women’s experiences in paid work both in highly industrialized countries in the west and developing countries outside of the western context. During this course we will also focus our attention to policies and institutions that shape women’s experiences in paid work, and gender inequality in the labor market more generally. We will compare policies operating in both western and non-western contexts.

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