This study uses a national survey examining people’s understandings about the timing of vaccine protection, willingness to continue to wear masks after being vaccinated,...
What are the implications for global security given terrorist groups’ expanding use of drones? Dr. James Rogers, a Non-Resident Senior Fellow, recently addressed this...
Existing research provides little insight into whether the same factors that affect Americans’ likelihood of accepting initial vaccination against COVID-19 also affect booster...
Senior Fellow and PhD Candidate, U.S. Army Lieutenant Colonel Paul Lushenko, launches a new book on the implications of armed and networked drones for global...
According to Senior Fellow Paul Lushenko the U.S. attempts to scrupulously protect civilians during drone strikes...
What the implications of drones for the evolving character of war and durablity of global...
Senior Fellow, Paul Lushenko, provides thoughts on the globalization of drone warfare in the latest issue of History of War, while citing Lab Director, Sarah Kreps,...