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PhD Student Placements

The PhD program trains its students for careers as faculty with appointments in public policy and other interdisciplinary programs, as well as in disciplinary departments of economics and sociology. We also regularly place students in research careers with think tanks, government, private consulting, and the not-for-profit sector.

Brooks faculty clapping and congratulating Brooks School graduates

Below, you will find the first placements for students with PhDs in Public Policy, as well as Brooks-funded students with PhDs in Economics and Sociology.


Year GraduateNameTitle and Affiliation
2024Megan HylandEconomist, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services
2024Shyam RamanVisiting Assistant Professor of Economics at Williams College
2024Ari Decter-FrainAssociate, Cornerstone Research
2024Revathy SuryanarayanaAssistant Professor of Health Economics and Policy, O’Donnell School of Public Health at the University of Texas Southwestern
2023Michael DalyAssociate, Analysis Group
2023Tatiana PadillaPostdoctoral Fellowship at Boston University’s Center for Innovation in Social Sciences
2023Nathan RobbinsResearch Scientist, Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research
2023Stephenson StrobelPostdoctoral Fellowship at Weill Cornell Medical School
2022Li (Julia) ZhuPostdoctoral Fellowship in Labor Economics, Department of Economics and FAIR, Norwegian School of Economics
2022Rene CrespinDean’s Research Associate (Postdoctoral Fellowship), Department of Economics, Michigan State University
2021Emily ParkerPostdoctoral Fellowship, Population Studies Center, University of Michigan
2021Katherine WenPostdoctoral Fellowship, Brown University School of Public Health; and then Assistant Professor, Department of Medicine, Health, and Society, Vanderbilt University
2021Sam DodiniPostdoctoral Fellowship, Labor Economics, Norwegian School of Economics
2020Pamela MeyerhoeferPostdoctoral Fellowship, Department of Agricultural Economics and Economics, Montana State University
2020Andrea MongePublic Health Strategy and Analysis Staff of the Office of Economics and Analysis in the Office of the Commissioner of the Food Drug Administration
2019Mariana AmorimAssistant Professor, Department of Sociology, Washington State University
2019Marisa CarlosPostdoctoral Fellowship, Analysis Group
2018Alexander WillenAssistant Professor, NHH Norwegian School of Economics
2018Sherry ZhangPostdoctoral Fellowship, University Wisconsin Madison
2015Richard PattersonAssistant Professor, Department of Economics, US Military Academy, West Point
2015Anna ChoiYoung Professionals Programme, OECD, Paris
2015Daniel GrossmanAssistant Professor, Department of Economics, West Virginia University
2014Jose Balmori de la MiyarAssociate Dean of the Faculty of Business at Universidad Anáhuac México
2014Anna HillEconomist, Mathematica Policy Research
2014Lauren JonesAssistant Professor, Dept of Consumer Science, Ohio State University
2014Katherine MichelmorePostdoctoral Fellowship, University of Michigan
2012Richard TurnerPostdoctoral Fellowship, Brown University
2012Margaret Jones Economist, U.S. Census Bureau
2012Fenaba AddoRobert Wood Johnson Foundation Health & Society Scholar, University of Wisconsin – Madison
2011Matt SweeneyEconomist, Mathematica Policy Research
2011Asia SikoraAssistant Professor, Department of Health Promotion, Social & Behavioral Health, University of Nebraska Medical Center
2010Joshua PriceAssistant Professor, Department of Economics, University of Texas at Arlington
2009Kai-Wen ChengPostdoctoral Fellowship, Center for Tobacco Control Research & Education, School of Medicine, University of California at San Francisco
2009Mabel Andalon LopezPostdoctoral Fellowship, Department of Economics, University of Melbourne, Australia
2009Julie CarmaltLecturer, Department of Policy Analysis and Management, Cornell University
2009Maki UeyamaVice President – Epidemiology, IKP Centre for Technologies in Public Health, Chennai India; postdoctoral scholar, University of Toronto
2009Sean Eversley BradwellAssistant Professor, Center for the Study of Culture, Race, and Ethnicity, Ithaca College
2009Ashish BajracharyaFred H. Bixby Postdoctoral Fellow, Population Council
2009Ning ZhangAssistant Professor, School of Medicine, University of Rochester
2008Max SchmeiserAssistant Professor, Department of Consumer Sciences, University of Wisconsin at Madison
2008Michael CollinsAssistant Professor, Department of Consumer Sciences, University of Wisconsin at Madison
2008Daniel Dukjae MaengPostdoctoral Fellowship, Center for Health Care and Policy Research, Penn State University
2008Felicia Yang (Deleone)Postdoctoral Fellowship, Carolina Population Center, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
2008David FilibertoConsultant, NMR Group and COO at Carbon Consulting, LLC
2008Jacqueline Vanderpuye-OrgleEconomist, Analysis Group
2007Feng LiuAssistant Professor, Department of Economics, Shanghai University of Economics and Finance
2007Hae Kyung YangAssistant Professor, Department of Public Administration, Texas Tech University
2007Sarah Hoda (Neyaz)Health Economist, MedStat
2007Xiaofei PeiEconomist, Thomson
Year GraduatedName Title and Affiliation
2024Elmer LiEconomist, IMF Research Department
2023Matthew ComeyEconomist at the Congressional Joint Committee on Taxation
2023Zihan HuAssistant Professor, School of Economics, Singapore Management University
2023Grace PhillipsAssistant Professor in the Department of Economics in the Fogelman College of Business and Economics at the University of Memphis
2023David WasserEconomist, U.S. Census Bureau
2021Amanda EngEconomist, U.S. Census Bureau
2021Anne BurtonAssistant Professor of Economics, School of Economic, Political and Policy Sciences, University of Texas at Dallas
2020Katelyn HeathPostdoctoral Fellowship, Department of Economics, Rice University
2020Jun Hyun YunPostdoctoral Researcher, Seoul National University
2020Lucy Xiaolu WangPostdoctoral Fellowship, Max Planck Institute for Innovation and Competition in Germany, then Assistant Professor, Department of Resource Economics, University of Massachusetts Amherst
2019Cassandra BensonAssistant Professor of Economics, U.S. Air Force Academy
2019James ElwellEconomist, Joint Committee on Taxation
2018Barton WillageAssistant Professor, Louisiana State University
2018Corbin MillerEconomist, Office of Tax Analysis at the Treasury
2018Todd JonesPostdoctoral Fellowship, Georgia State University
2017Daniel LudwinskiVisiting Assistant Professor, Colgate University
2017Nicholas TilipmanAssistant Professor, School of Public Health, University of Illinois


Year GraduatedNameTitle and Affiliation
2021Erin McCauleyAssistant Professor of Sociology, Department of Social and Behavioral Sciences, University of California San Francisco
2020Youngmin YiAssistant Professor, Department of Sociology, University of Massachusetts-Amherst
2019Bridget BrewAssistant Professor, Department of Sociology and Anthropology, University of Mary Washington
2017Allison Dwyer EmoryPostdoctoral Fellowship, School of Social Work, Rutgers University