Daniel T. Lichter
Professor Emeritus
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Daniel T. Lichter is the Ferris Family Professor emeritus of Life Course Studies. He has published widely on topics in population and public policy, including studies of concentrated poverty and inequality, racial segregation, intermarriage, cohabitation and marriage among disadvantaged women, demographic and economic trends in rural America, and immigrant incorporation. He is especially interested in America’s racial and ethnic transformation, growing diversity, and the implications for the future.
Prior to his retirement, Dr. Lichter was director of the Institute for the Social Sciences (2016-2019), Cornell Population Center (2011-2015), and the Bronfenbrenner Life Course Center (2005-2010).
Dr. Lichter also is past-president of the Population Association of America (2012) and the Rural Sociological Society (2010-11). He also is past-president of the Association of Population Centers, and he has served as chair of both the family and population sections of the American Sociological Association. He also has served as editor of Demography (2002-2004), the flagship journal of the Population Association of America (PAA).
He received his Ph.D. in Sociology in 1981 from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. He joined the Cornell faculty in August 2005. He taught previously at Pennsylvania State University (1981-1999) and The Ohio State University (1999-2005).