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Alumni and Friends

Get Involved

Our alumni remain an integral part of the MPA Program community and that’s exactly how we like it. Many utilize our career services as they navigate career transitions post-MPA Program, and we’re happy to help.

A large percentage of our graduates feel connected to the MPA Program on a personal level. They regularly drop by our offices when they’re in town and send holiday and year-end cards to update us on their careers and share news of their growing families.

Professional engagement with the MPA Program is another means for alumni to maintain their connection to the program. We host annual alumni events in Washington, DC and New York City, which are open to any alumni who happen to be in the area. Alumni also serve on panels at MPA Program networking events for current and prospective students in New York and Washington, DC. Each year a number of alumni also return to campus to offer colloquium and/or roundtable talks to students.

Here are some of the ways you can reach out and give back

The teaching and research at the MPA Program are unsurpassed. But maintaining excellence requires funding. Alumni support plays a crucial role in ensuring that we can sustain and enhance the quality of the MPA Program, as well as the overall competitiveness of our MPA.

Make a Gift 

Support for our Annual Fund goes to support the MPA Program’s operating budget, allowing us to be nimble and responsive to the emerging needs of our students. Contributions enable us to pursue a wide range of programming to enhance the Brooks MPA student experience and to facilitate broader alumni engagement. The Annual Fund has historically allowed the MPA Program flexibility to seize unforeseen opportunities. These include supporting university-wide events such as Educate the Vote, developing government partnerships (Costa Rica, Panama, South Korea), and hiring new instructors.


Prospective students are always eager to connect with our alumni. We are seeking volunteers to attend graduate school fairs, meet with prospective students at local universities, and reach out to prospects via phone or e-mail.

If you are interested in helping in either of these ways, please email the MPA Program (

If you are mid-career professional or a leader in your field with experiences or stories to share, you may be interested in participating in an MPA Program Colloquium.

Colloquium is a speaker series that allows students to participate in workshops, discussions and panels with industry leaders. These sessions give students an opportunity to network with distinguished practitioners and scholars, to further examine their own career goals, and to consider challenges that industry leaders face.

Please contact MPA Program Coordinator Lisa Jones ( if you would like to lead or participate in a Colloquium. The experience will be rewarding to you and to students who will soon be entering the job market.