Center for Aging and Policy Studies- Cornell Population Center Methodology Workshop

CAPS-CPC methodology workshop on Event Study Designs
Coady Wing
Associate Professor
School of Public and Environmental Affairs
Indiana University
Bio: Coady Wing is an associate professor at the O’Neill School of Public and Environmental Affairs. He received his PhD from the Maxwell School at Syracuse University in 2010. He specializes in the economic analysis of public policies and regulations, with a particular interest in effects on health behaviors, health outcomes, and the delivery of health care services. He also conducts research on methodological topics related to causal inference, program evaluation, and applied econometrics.
Title: Getting Started With Event Study Designs: Basic Concepts and New Innovations
Description: In the most basic event study research design, outcomes in two groups are followed over multiple time periods. At some point, one group is exposed to an intervention and the other is not. Under common trends and no-anticipation assumptions, changes in the difference between the two groups recovers the causal effect of the intervention and how that effect changes over time since exposure. In more complicated designs, there are more than two groups and interventions in each group may occur at different calendar times. This session will introduce the basic assumptions and estimation techniques used to analyze event study designs, as well as common strategies for investigating threats to the validity. We will discuss examples from recent applications to help make the concepts concrete, and we will examine some simple examples using Stata and R to implement the analysis in practice.