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December 12, 2023

Cornell sustainability and ecological transformation experts identified three strategies businesses can implement to thrive – and protect the planet – in a changing climate....

November 27, 2023

“Change-making: Designing Healthy and Hospitable Environments” (DEA 1112), offered this Winter Session online, explores how design innovations can have a positive impact on the everyday life of people in hospitality, health...

November 14, 2023

This past summer, I embarked on an incredible journey as an operational excellence intern at IHH Healthcare, and I owe this transformative experience to the Emerging Markets Institute’s Cañizares Fund. This fund, established by Roberto...

November 9, 2023

Siddharth Kara, award-winning author and anti-slavery activist, will discuss the immense toll cobalt mining has had on the people and environment of the Democratic Republic of the Congo at noon on Friday, November...

November 7, 2023

To underscore how local partnerships improve Cornell, Ithaca and Tompkins County, the university presented the 13th annual Cornell Town-Gown Awards to three student-community collaborations....

November 2, 2023

Addressing the shortage of women in STEM fields such as computer science is not enough to close the gender gap: Treating women more like men, especially on pay day, is more important than representation alone, according to Cornell...

November 1, 2023

Pre-Dobbs, women in states that severely limit access to abortion were 13% more likely to have a live birth resulting from an unintended pregnancy than those in states where abortion care was more accessible, Brooks School researchers...