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Academic Year 2024-25
Fridays, 12-1:15pm
MVR 2250 
Vida Maralani (Sociology)
CPC Director of Graduate Training Program


Seminars take place on Fridays at 12:00pm in person in MVR 2250 in person. Contact Gretchen Rymarchyk ( for additional information. 

Course Description:
The Demography Training Series (DTS) Proseminar (PAM 6810) is a professional development and speaker series hosted by the Cornell Population Center. The DTS series is structured to provide students with exposure to the highest-quality research in the field of demography, to strengthen skills in demographic techniques, to broaden knowledge of demographic data, and to facilitate discussions on career development. These are essential aspects to core training in demography and, accordingly, completion of this one-credit course (three times) is requirement to receive the graduate demography minor. Given the importance of these topics and to further develop a culture of demography on campus, all demography students are strongly encouraged to continually enroll and attend the DTS prosem.

Course Requirements:
The requirements of this course are simple: to attend weekly seminars and workshops, and engage with the presenters in a thoughtful manner. Specifically, we expect that you’ll attend all except one of the seminars in the CPC speaker series. and attend all of the workshops listed on the schedule below. If you cannot attend one of the workshops, please let us know in advance. In addition to attendance, you are expected to engage with seminar speakers and your peers during presentations and discussions.