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Videos and Past Events

EPSRC – NSF International Infrastructure Workshop: The Role of Funding, Financing and Emerging Technologies in Delivering and Managing Infrastructure for the 21st Century

July 11-15, 2022
Report from the EPSRC-NSF Infrastructure Workshop

Thought Leaders on Infrastructure Video Series

Video camera blurry interview subject

Watch CPIP Video Series containing interviews with prominent infrastructure leaders.

View our Video On Demand Channel


Video Interviews

Achieving Speed and Scale: Developing a Next-Generation, Efficient, and Resilient US Power Grid, AEI event with Rick Geddes leading the panel
June 13, 2024

Keynote with CPIP Academic Director Prof. Rick Geddes: A GREEN, TECHNOLOGY-ENABLED, AND RESILIENT FUTURE: Rebuilding Ukraine’s Infrastructure Using “Smart” Delivery interviewed by Christopher Wofford, eCornell Senior Producer
July 25, 2023

NCFCA recording of Prof. Rick Geddes presentation on domestic transportation policy
July 21, 2023



Two men wearing hardhats talking in front of a building

CPIP features renowned speakers in the infrastructure field to offer insights into new developments.

View our recorded webinars and other events here

May 4, 2023: “2022 Edition of the Global Infrastructure Hub Monitor Report”
Cinthya Pastor, Director of Economics, Global Infrastructure Hub

March 2, 2022: “Overview of the Global Infrastructure Hub (GI Hub)”
Marie Lam-Frendo, Chief Executive Officer; Maud de Vautibault, Director of Infrastructure Knowledge and Leading Practices; Cinthya Pastor, Director of Economics

November 9, 2021: “Improving the Mexican Caribbean’s Digital Infrastructure
Michael Mahoney, Chief Technology Officer, Gignet, Inc.

April 6, 2021: “Agents of Change for Resilient Infrastructure
Professor Tom O’Rourke, CPIP Associate Director, Thomas R. Briggs Professor in Engineering Emeritus, Cornell University

February 23, 2021: “Infrastructure under the Biden Administration
Michael Likosky, Partner, Advantage Infrastructure Advisors


Past Event Spotlight