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Seminars & Events

The BTPI Event Series brings together technology and national security experts from across industry, policy, academia, and the military to discuss, debate, and inform on the latest issues faced by disruptive and emerging technologies. As a reflection of our multidisciplinary environment, BTPI events engage with scholars from across campus, but also experts nationally and internationally, to provide a center of gravity at Cornell for addressing policy-related issues.

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Past Events

February 2, 2024

Paul Lushenko Assistant Professor and Director of Special Operations at the US Army War College Future warfare, driven by AI-enhanced military technologies, demands...

February 1, 2024

Evaluating Public Perceptions This discussion, based on the book The Legitimacy of Drone Warfare: Evaluating Public Perceptions (Routledge 2024), will examine public perceptions...

December 4, 2023

Christopher Earls Director, Scientific Artificial Intelligence Center Science is a narrative of mechanisms and principles that enable technological predictions, often articulated...

November 28, 2023

Join us for the first edition of the TPI Research Briefing Series, where Non-Resident Fellow Dr. Jean-François Bélanger will present his book project on the technological...

November 17, 2023

As states, corporations, and citizens grow more dependent on cyberspace, so too does their vulnerability to attacks in and through cyberspace. This talk examines how distinctive...

November 9, 2023

Dmitri Alperovitch Dmitri Alperovitch is a computer scientist who became internationally renowned for his work as a cyber threat intelligence analyst and cofounder of the firm...