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Funded by the Human Rights Foundation and the Reynolds Foundation, this the Cryptocurrencies hub studies how citizens of authoritarian governments secure financial freedom in the face of suppressive financial controls. We also investigates how Bitcoin and stablecoins are used around the world. The goal of this research is to create a global adoption index, mapping cryptocurrency usage in an effort to advise policymakers, industry leaders, and communities alike on crafting effective strategies to secure financial freedom.



The Brooks School Tech Policy Institute (BTPI) undertook a $1M project to study how those living under authoritarian governments secure financial freedom. Led by BTPI Founder and Director Dr. Sarah E. Kreps, the research will use quantitative and qualitative approaches to understand how Bitcoin and stablecoins are used around the world.

Funded by the Human Rights Foundation and Reynolds Foundation, the initiative will create a global adoption index mapping cryptocurrency use across 12 countries—including India, Nigeria, El Salvador, Indonesia, and Turkey. Through surveys and interviews, the research will investigate adoption behaviors on the basis of demographics within each country as well as the perceptions and attitudes towards digital currencies. The project, set to run from 2024 to 2026, aims to guide policymakers, industry leaders, and communities in crafting effective regulatory, educational, and product strategies to enhance financial freedom and inclusion.

“If you live in a place where the government silences its critics by threatening their assets or where you cannot trust the local banking system, you understand the importance of financial freedom to democracy. We want to study how people in these countries are using Bitcoin and stablecoins in the pursuit of their financial security.” — SARAH KREPS

BTPI will research relationship between Bitcoin and financial freedom

Project Affiliates: 

  • Dr. Sarah Kreps
  • Dr. Gustavo Flores-Macías
  • Ella Hough
  • Cynthia Tan